Showing 1 - 25 of 601 Results
The Bath stage; a history of dramatic representations in Bath by Belville S. Penley, Benno L... ISBN: 9781172849246 List Price: $24.75
A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages by Henry Charles Lea, Benno Lo... ISBN: 9781172853694 List Price: $52.75
The Talbot case: an authoritative and succinct account from 1839, to the Lord Chancellor's j... by M Hobart 1800-1874 Seymour,... ISBN: 9781172877287 List Price: $21.75
A new edition of Toland's History of the druids: with an Abstract of his life and writings; ... by John Toland, Pierre Desmaiz... ISBN: 9781172875344 List Price: $36.75
Handbook to the popular, poetical, and dramatic literature of Great Britain, from the invent... by William Carew Hazlitt, G J.... ISBN: 9781172911417 List Price: $49.75
Shakespeare's Sonnets, and a Lover's Complaint Reprinted in the Orthography, and Punctuation... by Shakespeare, William, Loewy... ISBN: 9781176297913 List Price: $18.75
Memories of Westminster hall : a collection of interesting incidents, anecdotes and historic... by Foss, Edward, Loewy, Benno ISBN: 9781176343177 List Price: $32.75
Literature and Life : Studies by Howells, William Dean, Loew... ISBN: 9781176352438 List Price: $34.75
Emerson in Concord; a memoir, written for the Social circle in Concord, Massachusetts by Emerson, Edward Waldo, Conc... ISBN: 9781176369665 List Price: $28.75
Lives and Times of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States by Flanders, Henry, Loewy, Benno ISBN: 9781176331426 List Price: $47.75
Sketches of the Irish bar : with essays, literary and Political by Curran, William Henry, Loew... ISBN: 9781176380554 List Price: $33.75
Life of Mrs Catherine Clive; with an Account of Her Adventures on and off the Stage, a Round... by Fitzgerald, Percy Hethering... ISBN: 9781176389311 List Price: $19.75
Calendars of Al-Hallowen, Brystowe an Attempt to Elucidate Some Portions of the History of t... by Rogers, Henry, Loewy, Benno ISBN: 9781176401853 List Price: $29.75
Extracts from the Diary of a Lover of Literature by Green, Thomas, Loewy, Benno ISBN: 9781176397156 List Price: $26.75
cradle of the Christ; a study in primitive Christianity by Frothingham, Octavius Brook... ISBN: 9781176404366 List Price: $26.75
Memoirs of Moses Mendelsohn, the Jewish Philosopher; Including the Celebrated Correspondence... by Samuels, M., Lavater, Johan... ISBN: 9781176417403 List Price: $23.75
Studies in Psychical Research by Podmore, Frank, Loewy, Benno ISBN: 9781176417441 List Price: $37.75
Debatable Land Between This World and the Next, with Illustrative Narrations; by Owen, Robert Dale, Loewy, B... ISBN: 9781176416680 List Price: $42.75
Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development by Galton, Francis, Loewy, Benno ISBN: 9781176423176 List Price: $34.75
Making of the American Nation : Or, the rise and decline of oligarchy in the West by Partridge, J. Arthur, Loewy... ISBN: 9781176423886 List Price: $43.75
People from the Other World by Olcott, Henry Steel, Loewy,... ISBN: 9781176422070 List Price: $39.75
Shakesperiana a Catalogue of the Early Editions of Shakespeare's Plays, and of the Commentar... by Halliwell-Phillipps, J. o. ... ISBN: 9781176427723 List Price: $17.75
List of Works Illustrative of the Life and Writings of Shakespeare, the History of Stratford... by Halliwell-Phillipps, J. o. ... ISBN: 9781176427839 List Price: $17.75
Priests, Women, and Families by Michelet, Jules, Loewy, Benno ISBN: 9781176425873 List Price: $31.75
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